But this story is more than a little curious to me. Stephen, the first of these waiters, hardly sounds like a waiter. "Stephen, full of grace and power, did great wonders and signs among the people." Somehow I doubt that this means he could balance a lot of trays as he carried food to needy widows. Maybe the job descriptions didn't work out quite like the twelve had planned. And Stephen will go on to give a witness as bold as any apostle.
Churches and societies need people with different gifts and different callings. We all have our own particular roles to play. But we probably shouldn't get too locked in by our job descriptions. When we are "full of faith and the Holy Spirit" like Stephen, the fact that we are just a waiter, or a youth, or a you-fill-in-the-blank doesn't much matter.
What signs and great wonders is God seeking to do through you and me?
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