Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Sermon: Surprising Standards

 Matthew 25:31-46 
 Surprising Standards
James Sledge                                               November 26, 2023, Reign of Christ 

There is an old Jewish folk tale where a young rabbi wanted more than anything else to meet Elijah the prophet. (Elijah, unlike other people in the Old Testament, had not died but had been taken up to heaven in a whirlwind.) The father of this young rabbi told him that if he diligently studied the Torah with his whole heart, he would indeed meet Elijah.

The young rabbi studied diligently for a month but did not meet Elijah. He complained to his father, but the father only scolded his impatience and told him to keep studying. One evening as the rabbi was hard at his studies, a tramp came to his door. The fellow was disgusting to look at; the young rabbi had never seen an uglier man in all his life. Annoyed at having been interrupted by such an unsavory character, the rabbi shooed the man away and returned to his studying.

The next day his father came and asked if he had seen Elijah yet. “No,” replied the son. 

“Did no one come here last night,” asked the father. 

“Yes,” replied the rabbi. “An old tramp.” 

“Did you wish him ‘shalom aleikhem’?” asked the father, referring to the traditional greeting meaning “Peace be upon you.”

“No,” said the rabbi.

“You fool,” cried his father. “Didn’t you know that that was Elijah the Prophet? But now it’s too late.” The tale goes on to say that for the rest of his life, the rabbi always greeted strangers with “Shalom aleikhem,” and treated them with great kindness.[1]

Tales such as this are not all that uncommon, and the parable Jesus tells today is similar in many ways. People encounter, or fail to encounter, either Elijah or the Son of Man based on how they treat people who are unimportant, even unpleasant or distasteful. Jesus’ parable, however, is much more nuanced than the folk tale I shared, especially if we can hear it more like the people for whom the gospel of Matthew is written.

Matthew’s community is made up largely of Jews who follow Jesus as their Jewish Messiah. For some years this church had operated out of the synagogue as simply one more sort of Judaism, but in recent years their relationship with the synagogue has soured, to the point that the rabbis no longer welcomed them there.

Perhaps because the majority of their Jewish colleagues had rejected Jesus as Messiah, the church had begun to reach out to Gentiles, non-Jews. And as this church reads Matthew’s gospel, they hear a parable, Jesus’ final parable, that talks about these folks they are trying to evangelize.

It’s easy to miss this when we read Matthew. When we hear that all the nations will be gathered before (the Son of Man), that likely sounds like a way of saying all people will be gathered, but Matthew’s church would not have heard it that way. For them the term translated “nations” more regularly referred to Gentiles. And besides, from a Jewish perspective, “the nations” was a way of speaking about non-Jews, outsiders, them.

Jesus’ parable seems to address the judgment of those Matthew’s church is trying to evangelize, and the church members likely presumed that such a judgment would be based on how Gentiles had responded to the good news about Jesus. But the criterion for judgment turns out to be something quite different. “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”

On one level, the parable says that Gentiles, outsiders, are judged on how they treated Christian missionaries. Did they love them as neighbors without ever having heard Jesus’ commands to do so? Such a notion turns some typical understandings of evangelism on their head. Here treating the missionaries well counts as much as embracing Jesus as their Savior.

That is surprising indeed, but it may not be the most surprising element of the parable, another thing we may miss because we’ve been so conditioned to thinking of a triumphant Jesus. This parable sits right up against the story of Jesus’ arrest, trial, and execution. There is an audacious claim here. The one who the world judges as deserving death is the very one who will judge the world. The contrast could not be more vivid.

In this parable, the rejected and despised one is the same one we celebrate today as the one who reigns over all the cosmos, but it turns out that the ways of Jesus’ commonwealth are very little like the ways of the world.

Unlike in our time, the followers of Jesus’ in Matthew’s day were a small minority, often ostracized and marginalized, and Jesus says that how Gentiles treat the “least of these,” the most unimportant of these ostracized and marginalized people, is what counts for something in the new day Jesus will bring. Do you realize how contrary this is to the ways of our world?

In our world, we do nice things for those we love, for those who are our friends, and for those who may be able to do something for us in return. We’ve seen the latter on vivid display lately with regard to the Supreme Court and the extravagant gifts given to some of the justices. Presumably such gifts were given because the justices are important, have power and influence. Certainly these generous donors would not do something similar for a stranger, a prisoner, a homeless person, or someone struggling with food insecurity. But Jesus says that treatment of those the world deems unimportant and insignificant is what counts for something in God’s new day.

And if Jesus so values the kindness of those who are outsiders, then surely Jesus assumes that his own followers will do the same for those who are strangers, hungry, poorly clothed, incarcerated, homeless, insignificant, or unimportant.

If Jesus judges outsiders on how they treat the most unimportant and insignificant, then surely he expects his followers to create a different sort of world.

I just used a Mr. Rogers illustration in a sermon two weeks ago, but this story seems to go well here, so here’s another. After all, he was an ordained Presbyterian pastor so he’s one of our own.

 A limo once took Fred Rogers to a fancy dinner party at a PBS executive’s home. When they arrived, Rogers discovered that the driver was supposed to wait outside until the party was over. But Rogers insisted the driver come in and join the party, much to the dismay of his wealthy host.

On the way home, Rogers sat up front with the driver. Learning that they were passing near the driver’s home, he asked if they might stop so he could meet his family. The driver said it was one of the best nights of his life. Mr. Rogers played jazz piano and visited with the family late into the night. And for the rest of his life Rogers sent notes and kept in touch with a driver he met one night.[2]

In some small way, I think this story embodies the sort of thing Jesus is talking about in today’s parable, about the ways of Jesus’ new commonwealth. In that new day, how people treat the unimportant and insignificant, how they respond to the needs of those who can do nothing in return, are the things that truly matter.

At our recent church retreat at Massanetta Springs, the retreat leader quoted from the Book of Order where the last of the great ends or purposes of the church is, “the exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the world.”[3] That is what we do when we love and care for the least of these. We put God’s new day on display for the world. We model a different sort of world to those around us.

When Jesus came to Palestine all those years ago, he began to create an alternative community where all were welcome, especially those on the margins. Jesus invites us into that community, whoever we are, wherever we’re from, and whatever we imagine makes us unwelcome. And he calls us to expand that community as we model Jesus’ love to an angry and hurting world.

[1] From “The Tramp” in Ellen Frankel, The Classic Tales: 4000 Years of Jewish Lore (Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, Inc. 1993) pp. 604-605.

[2] http://edition.cnn.com/2008/LIVING/wayoflife/07/28/mf.mrrogers.neighbor/

[3] Book of Order, F-1.0304

Monday, November 20, 2023

Sermon: Taking Risks

 Matthew 25:14-30
Taking Risks
James Sledge                                                                            November 19, 2023 

When I was in seminary, I took an elective class on evangelism. It was a three week long course with a week of it being travel to visit various churches that were doing a good job of drawing in lots of people. We spent a good deal of time at the largest church in our denomination as well as at churches of different traditions.

There was one church we visited that I’m not sure how it became part of the itinerary. Perhaps it was meant to be a negative example. This was a little country church in North Carolina, but the suburbs had gradually changed their neighborhood.

When we visited, the church sat on a little corner of land that was bordered by a new four lane highway on one side, a crossroad on the other side, and a shopping center and its entrance on the other two sides. It looked a little strange and out of place, this old brick church wedged in between roads and a shopping center.

In the course of meeting with church members, we discovered that they had been offered a ridiculous sum of money for their property. There was probably enough acreage to put in a restaurant and a couple of businesses, and developers were eager to acquire the land.

The little church was struggling with declining attendance and membership. The building was falling into disrepair, and the future looked grim. But money from a sale could allow a fresh start. They would be flush with cash and easily able to rent space somewhere to meet while they decided about what came next. They could even hire new staff and embark on an evangelism campaign that could create a thriving new congregation, and people from the presbytery had encouraged them to take the money and open a, hopefully, exciting new chapter in the church’s life.

But the church had decided against taking the offer. Many of them were getting older and wanted their funerals to be held there. They also worried about what might happen if they had a fresh start. What if they didn’t like what happened? What if the old members got outnumbered by new folks? Those fears were too strong, and no one was able to convince the little church to take a chance on an exciting new future.

This is a rather unusual scenario, but it some ways it is simply an extreme version of something that goes on at churches regularly. Comfort with the status quo and, even more, fears about what might happen often shut down anything bold and new.

More than once I’ve been part of a church conversation where someone had proposed an exciting new ministry, but fears about not being able to find volunteers, worries about tight budgets, and concerns about what impact it might have on the status quo carried the day. And the new ministry never got the green light.

Churches tend to be very risk averse places, and very often worries and fears about what might or might not happen are more than enough to overcome any excitement about trying something new and unproven. Even the most liberal or progressive congregations can be incredibly conservative when it comes to trying new things.

In the Presbyterians Church’s Book of Order, in the opening chapter, it says this under the heading The Calling of the Church. “The Church is the body of Christ. Christ gives to the Church all the gifts necessary to be his body. The Church strives to demonstrate these gifts in its life as a community in the world (1 Cor. 12:27-28): The Church is to be a community of faith, entrusting itself to God alone, even at the risk of losing its life.”[1]

At the risk of losing its life. That’s what it says, but I’m not sure how many congregations actually embody this statement. Many congregations won’t risk a little money or the possibility that the church might change significantly. Never mind their own life.

Now some of you may be wondering what any of this has to do with a scripture passage that has often been interpreted to mean, “Use your talents wisely.” But it turns out that this parable is not about that at all, not unless you define “wisely” in a fairly peculiar way.

The fact that the monetary unit in the parable happens to be a talent lends itself to the rather trite, proverbial understanding, but in Jesus’ day, a talent was a weight and a large sum of money, by some estimates, around fifteen year’s wages for the average worker. Perhaps if the parable said that the slaves were given five million, two million, and one million dollars we might hear it differently.

This is also a parable where we need to pay attention to details. We are told that the slave who had received the five talents went off at once and traded with them, and made five more talents. The slave with two talents does the same thing. But what did they have to do to turn such a huge profit? I’m sure we have some finance people in the congregation today who would tell us that any investment that quickly doubles your money is a risky one, and you could easily have lost a fortune.

Another facet of this parable that may escape us has to do with the last slave’s burying his talent in the ground. To my mind that sounds like the crotchety old guy who keeps his money under his mattress because he doesn’t trust banks, but there were no banks as we know them in Jesus’ day. There were no regulations or safeguards about money invested with what were then called bankers, and so many who first heard Jesus’ parable may well have thought that the last slave did the prudent thing, the very thing they would have done.

Finally, we are told this last slave’s reason for doing what he did. He was afraid. I think I can sympathize. If someone had given me a large sum of money to take care of until their return, I would be worried about not losing any of it, and I might well have put it somewhere FDIC insured, which is exactly the sort of thing this slave does.

When we examine this parable carefully, the third of four parables that Jesus tells to address what his followers should be doing in the time before his return, those who are praised and rewarded are the ones who took big risks. The parable doesn’t even seem to consider the possibility that they could have lost it all, so either Jesus means that risks taken for the sake of the gospel always produce rewards, or that the slaves would still have been praised even if they had lost huge amounts.

So what would we say if Jesus came back today and asked what we’ve done with the treasure he’d given us? On one level, that treasure is the good news of the gospel. How are we doing bold and even risky things with the gospel?

But we’ve also been entrusted with the legacy of those who went before us, a rich history along with wonderful and historic facilities. What are we doing with those that is bold and even risky? Or are we just trying to make sure they stay intact?

And what motivates us? The desire to use our treasure to do amazing things, or fears over what might happen if we’re not careful?

I believe that all congregations have a calling, work the Jesus gives them to do. A lot of congregations never live into this because they are too cautious, too fearful. But those that do, churches both large and small, do wondrous and amazing things.

Where is Jesus calling the Meeting House?

[1] Book of Order, F-1.0301

Monday, November 13, 2023

Sermon: Being Helpers

 Matthew 25:1-13
Being Helpers
James Sledge                                                                            November 12, 2023 

You don’t have to look very hard at the world to get discouraged. The situation in the Middle East is terrifying. The atrocities committed by Hamas are beyond the pale, even for terrorists, and Israel’s complete lack of regard for the lives of civilians is nearly as bad. The number of women and children killed and maimed is appalling, and I don’t see how Israel’s actions can avoid helping create a new generation of hatred and even more terrorists.

Then right after I had begun to write this sermon, we had yet another mass shooting using an assault style weapon. Will it never end?

On a larger scale, I worry that we have reached a point of no return on climate change. Recently in The Washington Post, I’ve seen articles on how this year has shattered heat records, and how the West Antarctic ice sheet faces unavoidable melting.

Speaking of which, the current state of political affairs makes me fear for the future of democracy. The level of political dysfunction and total demonization of opposing views is staggering. Worldwide there has been a shift toward autocracy in many democratic nations, and some would seem to prefer that for the US.

And why leave religion out of this sordid mess? A precipitous decline in American church participation has only been accelerated by Covid. Oldline denominations such as Presbyterians are shrinking at a rate that we can’t possibly support all our affiliated seminaries, and I wonder if our denominational structures themselves may be in jeopardy.

Add to that the damage done to the Christian brand by fundamentalists who use faith as the driving force behind all manner of hatreds. To make matters worse, a significant part of conservative Christianity views Donald Trump as some sort of messianic figure, a man who couldn’t get much further from the way of Jesus if he tried.

For these reasons and more, it would be easy to become cynical and decide the situation is hopeless. No doubt there are many who have given in to some sort of despair, who’ve become numb to it all and just focus on what they can control in their own lives and the lives of those closest to them.

Over 1900 years ago, the people of a small church congregation were more than a little worried about the future. They were mostly Jewish, and they followed Jesus as their Jewish Messiah. When the church first started some years earlier there had been incredible hope for the future. Most of them had believed that the risen Jesus would soon return and inaugurate the messianic age where all would be set right. But it had now been over fifty years since the first Easter. Most everyone who’d been around back then had died, and still no Jesus.

To make matters worse, they were being pushed out of the synagogue. They still considered it their spiritual home, but the rabbis made it clear that Jesus followers were not welcome there.

Trouble with the rabbis had started after Jerusalem and its magnificent Temple were destroyed fifteen of so years earlier. The loss of the holy city and especially of the Temple was a terrible blow to Jews, including Christian ones. Many of the Christians had thought Jerusalem would be the epicenter of the new age the returning Jesus would usher in. But that hope was now gone.

The destruction of Temple had pretty much ended priestly Judaism, and rabbinical Judaism or the Pharisees had become the dominant voice. As they consolidated their power, they begin to push Christian Jews out. There was even some persecution of Christian Jews.

Lately there had been infighting within the church itself. Some advocated abandoning Torah completely, but others argued that Jesus has taught from the Torah. Lately the arguments had gotten more intense, and some had been labeled false prophets and been kicked out of the church.

The historic home of Judaism along with the Temple destroyed and in ruins, being pushed out of the synagogue and belittled for following Jesus, bickering and fighting in the church itself, and growing doubts about Jesus’ return; the future looked uncertain, even grim for this little church and the faith. No doubt many had begun to despair.

The author of our gospel was a member of this church, and he has all these issues in mind when he sits down to write. And as the gospel story moves closer and closer to the cross, Matthew has Jesus speak to some of these concerns in his final teachings, sometimes labeled the second Sermon on the Mount,

After Jesus points out how his return date is unknown and will happen in a manner that is unanticipated, he tells four last parables, the last parables of Jesus before his arrest. Each one addresses, in some way, how believers are to handle the wait for his return.

This morning’s parable is the second of these, and it addresses how people are to wait. The teaching ends with a charge to “Keep awake,” but curiously both the wise and foolish bridesmaids in the parable fall asleep. I take it that the command to keep awake is a general admonition to live expectantly, but the parable speaks to what that looks like.

In the parable, the only difference between the wise and the foolish is that the wise bring extra oil. All go to meet the bridegroom. All carry lamps. All are ready to attend the banquet. All fall asleep. Yet when the foolish say “Lord, Lord,” to the groom, an allegorical stand-in for Jesus, his response is, “Truly I tell you, I do not know you.”

Interestingly, the first Sermon on the Mount contains very similar language. Jesus says, “Not everyone who says to me ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. And he says he will respond to such folks with, “I never knew you, go away from me…”

So what is the significance of the wise bridesmaids having oil with them? I think it is about more than being prepared for a long wait. The oil is symbolic. New Testament scholar Eugene Boring notes that in Jewish tradition, oil is used to symbolize both good deeds and Torah. He writes, “The oil, or rather having oil, represents what will count in the parousia: deeds of love and mercy in obedience to the Great Commandment… Here, Matthew pictures preparation for the parousia as responsible deeds of discipleship, not constant ‘watching’ for the end.”[1]

In times when the future is uncertain and even a little scary, I think Christian faith offers some good advice. It says that no matter how things appear, the future belongs to God. When Martin Luther King, Jr. said that the arc of the moral universe bends toward justice, he wasn’t expressing his hope in a human capacity to make things better. He was saying that the moral arc is safely in God’s hands.

But we are not called simply to wait for God to do something. We have work to do. In this parable and the ones that follow, Jesus makes clear that we are to engage in acts of love and mercy and to care for “the least of these.” We are to show the world what God’s love looks like in action, and in so doing, demonstrate a hopeful vision for the future.

Many of you are familiar with the famous quote from Fred Rogers of Mr. Rogers fame. He says, "My mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.' To this day, especially in times of disaster, I remember my mother's words, and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers — so many caring people in this world."

Jesus says that our job in uncertain times is not to sit around waiting for his return or worrying about when it might happen. Our job is to be helpers, to be agents of love and care whose lives give others comfort and hope, whose lives give the world a glimpse of what God’s future will be.

[1] M. Eugene Boring, “The Gospel of Matthew: Introduction, Commentary, and Reflections,” in The New Interpreter’s Bible, vol. 8, ed. L. E. Keck et al. (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1995), 450.