1 Corinthians 1:1-9
Faithful Remembering
James Sledge January
19, 2014
a pastor, I have lots of “friends” on Facebook who are also pastors. The same
goes for people I follow on Twitter. Some of these folks are always posting
effusive, over-the-top praise of the churches they pastor, the committees they
serve, and so on. “First Presbyterian’s Christian Education Committee rocks!!!”
“So and so presbytery’s Committee on Ministry Committee is the best committee
ever!” “I’m so incredibly lucky and blessed to serve here!”
it’s just my age or where I grew up, or maybe I’m just weird, but such praise sometimes
feels a little bit much to me. I like an “Atta boy” as much as the next person,
but when it goes way beyond that or goes on and on, I get a tad uncomfortable.
course it could be that these Facebook friends are actually serving in the best
church that ever existed, where every member tithes or more, and every member volunteers
in some ministry activity at least once a week. Maybe they are serving on a
committee that puts every other committee in every other presbytery to shame.
Who knows?
of over the top praise, if all I knew about the church that the apostle Paul
founded in Corinth came from the verses we heard this morning, I might think Paul
is a bit like some of my Facebook “friends.”
He gives thanks to God always for these folks who are not lacking in any
knowledge or spiritual gift. He speaks of them as being “sanctified,” in other
words, “made holy,” and of how they are called as “saints.” Wow, this must be
some congregation. Either that or Paul is getting a little over the top with
his praise.
as it turns out, I’ve read the rest of Paul’s letter, and I know he doesn’t
think they are the best congregation out there. Quite the opposite. He is upset
and angry with them. He will call them immature, unspiritual, and still caught
up “in the flesh.” In short, the church we meet in Paul’s letter looks like a
total disaster with all sorts of divisions, arguments, fights, and messed up
theology. Paul warns them they had better straighten up before he returns to
deal with them. And yet, Paul opens his letter with these words about being
made holy, called to be saints, given every necessary spiritual gift and all
Paul is just following social convention and opening his letter with the
expected pleasantries, but I don’t think so. Not only do we have another letter
of Paul where he dispenses with such pleasantries, but there is something more.
All of those wonderful things about being made holy and called to be saints are
not specific to the Corinthian Christians. Rather, they express Paul’s
understanding of what it means to be “in Christ.” It is not praise for anything
they have done. It is their identity, who they are, the new thing they become
through the grace of God in Jesus and the gift of the Spirit, even if they are
currently living in ways that obscure their true identity.