Mark 8:27-38
Getting Behind
James Sledge September
12, 2021
Up Your Cross, Gary Bunt, 2016
The beginning of this school year has been
accompanied by fierce resistance to masks by some. One parent in Texas ripped
the mask off a teacher. For reasons that baffle me, resistance to vaccines and
masks is often couched is religious language. Last year, in a rebuttal to such
views, Scott Hoezee, a pastor on the faculty of Calvin Theological Seminary
wrote a blog post entitled, JWWM: Jesus Would Wear a Mask. The post opened with
an updated take on the story of Jesus being tempted by the devil.
Then the devil led Jesus to the entrance of the Jerusalem Farmers Market. Jesus observed that most people were prudently wearing face coverings and masks to protect from a severe virus that had made many in the Holy City sick in recent weeks. And the devil said unto him, “If you are the Son of God, then enter the market, talk, shop, and laugh but do not wear a mask for it is written ‘He will give his angels charge over you’ and so we know God will protect you and others from the virus.” And Jesus replied, “It is also written, ‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.’” Jesus then put on his face covering and entered the market in search of some fresh figs. The devil then left him . . . until a more opportune time.[1]
“Until a more opportune time” is a reference to Jesus’ struggle in the garden of Gethsemane, where he is once more tempted to turn away from the path God has placed before him. But there is a hint of that later temptation in our gospel reading for this morning.