Acts 2:1-21
Set Afire
James Sledge June
5, 2022 – Pentecost
I probably don’t need to tell you that the
number of the religiously unaffiliated adults is growing rapidly in America. A recent
Pew Research study said that nearly three out of ten Americans have no formal
religious connection.[1]
And younger Americans are even less likely to have a religious home.El Greco,
Decent of the Holy Spirit
Among the unaffiliated, a popular self-designation is SBNR, or spiritual but not religious. Different people mean somewhat different things by this, but a lot in this group think of organized religion as musty old institutions that aren’t really necessary for someone to find a connection to the divine.
I can sympathize with such thinking. Churches have at times gotten focused on things pretty far removed from following Jesus. Add in the hatred espoused by some churches and throw in some sexual misconduct and abuse by clergy, and it isn’t too hard to see why some folks are suspicious of institutional religion.
But when spirituality gets understood as distinct from religion, spirituality moves almost entirely into the private, personal sphere. The term spiritual even takes on a kind of ethereal sense, largely disconnected from the day to day. It’s about internal experience, feelings of well-being and contentment, a warm vibe from a connection to something beyond yourself.