Monday, December 13, 2010

Sunday Sermon video - Already, But Not Yet

Advent Cantata: For Us a Child Is Born

This beautiful cantata, at one time attributed to J. S. Bach, is performed by the Boulevard Presbyterian Chancel Choir, accompanied by chamber orchestra. 

Higher quality video available on my YouTube channel.

Spiritual Hiccups - Mangers and Crosses

It seems a bit jarring to read, less than two weeks before Christmas, of Jesus' betrayal and arrest.  Today's gospel lection tells of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, and of Judas leading a crowd of police, priests, and elders who come out to seize Jesus under cover of darkness.

Some years ago, during a Hanging of the Greens service at the beginning of Advent, I leaned a wooden cross against the empty manger and left it there for the next couple of Sundays.  I really heard about that one. I don't think any sermon, hymn selection, or other worship move ever generated that level or intensity or complaint.  A lot of us, it seems, don't want the cross interfering with Christmas.

On a surface level, this is easy to understand.  We're celebrating a birth, a moment of beauty and hope.  Who would want to bring the pain of the cross into that moment?  But of course the two gospel writers who mention Jesus' birth, Matthew and Luke, both include hints of trouble to come in their accounts.  In Matthew, Jesus' family has to flee for their lives following the visit of the Wise Men, narrowly escaping the slaughtering of all the infants in Bethlehem.  And in Luke, Simeon tells the baby Jesus' mother, "This child is destined for the falling and the rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be opposed so that the inner thoughts of many will be revealed--and a sword will pierce your own soul too."

I wonder if most all of us, to some degree, wouldn't prefer a crossless Jesus.  Surely there is some way to avoid this. Surely this isn't absolutely necessary.  Despite the fact that fact that the Apostle Paul speaks of wanting to know only Christ crucified, despite his insistence that Christ crucified is the wisdom and power of God, the cross unnerves us.  And this manifests itself in ways as diverse as blaming the Jews for Jesus' death, sparse attendance at Good Friday services, or being startled by a cross in the Advent decorations.

Soon we will proclaim, "Christ the Savior is born."  Perhaps the Apostle Paul would say "the crucified Christ."  And to be honest, I'm not exactly sure how to hold all that together.

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sunday Sermon audio - Already, But Not Yet

On the day of an Advent cantata in our traditional service, an early service sermon on John the Baptist's question to Jesus in Matthew 11. Even though the world often looks unchanged, Jesus says God's rule is "Already." But we must point to its "Not Yet."
Already, But Not Yet - Dec. 12, Advent 3.mp3

Because this is recorded in different worship service, one where I don't stay in a pulpit, the sound quality varies a bit as I move around.  Apologies.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Spiritual Hiccups - God, I Need You

When a toddler at the playground falls and skins a knee, there's often a brief moment of stunned silence followed by cries and screams.  This normally produces a swift parental response as Mom or Dad swoops in to help the child and makes things all better.  Indeed most of would be appalled if a parent failed to act this way.  It is simply how things are supposed to be.  A parent should care for a child in need or distress.  That's a parent's job.

Given how common Father language is when talking about God, it's not surprising that some parental expectations get transferred onto God.  I've even heard a few folks go so far as to say, "It's God's job to help me out, to do stuff for me."  And I once read where someone said, "God has to forgive me.  That's his job."

I have to admit to falling into such feeling myself at times.  Some of my biggest faith struggles arise when I don't think God is being attentive enough to me, when God isn't responding to me as I would like.  But every once in a while, I remember that God acts the parent is not because God has to, but because God chooses to. 

If you read the Noah stories in Genesis, the whole human enterprise seems to be a failure, one that God seriously considers erasing and then starting over with a clean slate.  But for some inexplicable reason, God decides to commit to humanity.  It's not God's job, and God doesn't have to.  But there is something about God's nature - perhaps the God is love part - that compels God to stick with us.

And so the psalmist can cry out,
   Hear my prayer, O LORD;
         let my cry come to you.
   Do not hide your face from me
         in the day of my distress.
   Incline your ear to me;
         answer me speedily in the day when I call.

Even though the psalmist knows that his days are "like an evening shadow;" that he will "wither away like grass," while God's "name endures to all generations, still he can say to God, "You will rise up and have compassion on Zion."

In this time of year with all its gifts and presents, we may do well to occasionally recall what a gift it is that God is mindful of us, that God doesn't simply leave us on our own.  That God loves us, comes to us, and becomes our Parent when God does not have to, might just be the most amazing gift of all.

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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Spiritual Hiccups - Satan and Christmas

Satan shows up in two of today's readings.  Many modern Christians, certainly many in denominations like my own, don't know what to do with this character.  In fact, many of us are downright embarrassed by the idea of Satan or a devil.  Perhaps this is the product of the optimism and belief in progress that so characterized modernity.  If some cosmic being is always working against us, even if Satan is simply the personification of a cosmic evil that works against us, that shatters our hopes that if only we work hard enough, we can finally end poverty, end disease, end war, end suffering.

This may be a particularly acute problem for those of us in so-called "mainline" churches.  For much of our history we've been closely allied and aligned with the culture.  And we came to understand our faith as fully compatible with culture and nation.  But if we must reckon with evil, and especially if biblical passages speaking of Satan as "the ruler of this world" are taken at all seriously, then nation, world, and culture end up being complicated places, not simply the arena for progress.

I think that stereotypical images of Satan as some guy with horns and a pitchfork are to be laughed at.  Such images trivialize the problem of evil.  But the need for God to intervene in history, the need for a Messiah, for Christmas and a cross, all say that we humans cannot finally "save" ourselves.  And I use "save" here not as a synonym for going to heaven, but in the biblical sense, meaning to heal, make whole, rescue, restore, and set right. 

Perhaps the most basic reason that we don't like to deal with Satan or evil comes down to not wanting to admit the power that evil, that sin has over us.  We don't want to think that we could ever have betrayed Jesus.  We don't want to think we would have been among those who failed to recognize him as the Messiah.  We don't want to consider the possibility that we might have joined the crowd in shouting, "Crucify him."  Not us!

But Christmas insists that we need saving - from evil, from sin, from our own self destructive ways, from our arrogance, from our tendency to trust in things other than God, be they money, nation, ideology, church, or progress.

But of course the hope of Christmas also insists that evil, Satan, and sin, are no match for God.  Evil is real, but evil's greatest triumph, the cross, only leads to Resurrection, the herald of God's coming new day.  And so we will work against poverty, and war, and hunger, and oppression, not because we "believe" in progress, but because we trust that this is the shape of the salvation God is bringing.

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Spiritual Hiccups - Dealing with Sin

I have known a few Christians who seemed to think that as long as you believed in Jesus, nothing else you did mattered.  But in truth, rare is the person of faith who does not think her faith demands a certain ethic or morality.  Most all of us know that Jesus demands we love God and love neighbor.  And more careful readers of the Bible know that Jesus says he fulfills the Old Testament Law, not abrogates it.  But at the same time, most Christians know that Jesus talks a fair amount about forgiveness.

Out of all this and more, we Christians have developed a complicated and messy relationship with sin.  For starters, we prefer to think of other people as the real sinners rather than us.  I see this in my Presbyterian tradition, where corporate prayers of confession are long standing part of worship.  This is the element of worship I hear the most complaints about and the most suggestions that we should either drop it or at least tone it down.  (If you'd like to see this in action yourself, try getting folks to recite the answer to Question 5 from the "Heidelberg Catechism."  In response to the question of whether anyone can keep God's Law it says, "No, for by nature I am prone to hate God and my neighbor.)

But if we are prone to downplay our own sin, we have no such problems with it comes theirs.  Of course this requires that we tend to be appalled at their sort of sins while being understanding about our more banal sorts of sin.  I am convinced that the current battles over homosexuality in the Church come about because of how safe the majority feels concerning this particular "sin."  I think people on both sides of this Church fight can agree that we're not likely to ban those who practice "unrepentant greed" from being members or pastors or anything else in the Church.

In today's gospel reading, Jesus is confronted with how to respond to someone's sin.  The religious leaders bring him a women caught committing adultery, and remind him that the Law proscribes death by stoning for the offense.  Jesus' response doesn't really uncomplicate things for us.  He doesn't speak against the Law, asking only that one without sin himself begin the rock tossing.  When no one in the crowd is willing to follow through, Jesus states clearly that he will not condemn the woman.  But he also tells her, "Go your way, and from now on do not sin again."  Too bad the story doesn't continue on and have Jesus meet her a second time when she's been caught again.

It seems to me that religious people often want to use their sin as markers and boundaries.  Their sort of sin puts you on the outside.  But in this story Jesus won't draw a boundary, even though he tells the woman to change her behavior.  I realize this doesn't neatly solve any debates about what is or isn't actually a sin, but it does seem to speak of a different sort of relationship toward "sinners." 

I wonder what it would look like for the Church to be a place that took very seriously the need to live in conformity with God's ways, but where "sinners" still heard, "I do not condemn you."

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Spiritual Hiccups - Community

In his letter to the congregation at Thessalonica, Paul writes, "Be at  peace among yourselves.  And we urge you, beloved, to admonish the idlers, encourage the faint hearted, help the weak, be patient with all of them.  See that none of you repays evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to all.  Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.  Do not quench  the Spirit.  Do not despise the words of prophets, but test everything; hold fast to what is good; abstain from every form of evil."

Much has been written over the last few decades, in both secular and religious venues, about the loss of community in our day.  Robert Putman's acclaimed bestseller, Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community pointed to the fraying of America's social fabric, as well as to some ways to reweave it.  And I think that the Church plays a vital role in both the loss of community as well as any hope for recovering it.

On the loss side, Christianity in America has too often wedded itself to our culture's individualism so that salvation often becomes a purely personal thing about me getting right with Jesus.  As long as I believe in Jesus or have personal relationship with him, I'm good.  At times this faith becomes incredibly self centered with each person responsible for his or her own faith, despite the fact that Jesus says we are to be more focused on God's rule and on the other than on self.

My favorite professor in seminary, Doug Ottati, was fond of saying that God acted in Jesus to create "true communion with God in true community with others."  In Acts 4:32-37, Luke paints a picture of what this would look like.  And I suspect Paul has something similar in mind when he writes the Thessalonians.  No one in such a community is ever "on her own." 

In the run up to Christmas, both church and secular groups engage in a spasm of caring and giving.  Needy families will receive boxes of food and presents for their children.  But if this is an act of community, it rarely lives beyond the Christmas season.  And I wonder if one of the most powerful witnesses the Church could offer the world might not be to demonstrate what true community looked like all year long.

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Monday, December 6, 2010

Sunday Sermon video - Advent Imagination

Spiritual Hiccups - Riches, Taxes, and Jubilee

As I write this the news media are reporting a possible deal between Democrats and Republicans that would extend the about-to-expire tax cuts for all income levels in exchange for extending unemployment benefits to the millions with none left who still cannot find jobs.  I don't usually get "political" in these posts, but I confess that I am befuddled by conservatives' insistence that tax cuts must include all income groups, even those making millions.  Considering how many of these conservatives wear their Christian faith on their sleeves, want the 10 Commandments displayed, and the Bible revered, I wonder if they read the same Bible that I do.

The Bible doesn't have a lot good to say about those with wealth.  Today's verses from Isaiah are just a small sample of the prophets railing against the rich getting richer while the poor suffer.  "Ah, you who join house to house, who add field to field, until  there is room for no one but you, and you are left to live alone in  the midst of the land!"  Isaiah is condemning the wealthy who buy up land from people who are in financial difficulty, gradually controlling more and more. 

And the laws that came with those 10 Commandments had provision for undoing this.  Every 50th year land was supposed to revert to those families who had sold it during times of hardship.  It is uncertain how well this Jubilee Year law was obeyed, however.  Those with wealth are generally pretty good at hanging on to it.

One of the more disturbing economic statistics of our day is the growing disparity between rich and poor.  The gap between what a working person makes and what a CEO makes has increased exponentially in the past 50 years.  And despite Jesus saying, "Blessed are you who are poor," and "Woe to you who are rich," most of us want to hang on to as much of our riches as we can.

I saw another pastor post something online the other day suggesting how we should simple allow the tax cuts to expire, even for those of us making pastors' salaries.  The nine or ten dollars a week we would lose would be money well spent to keep from burdening our children with a national debt, as well as insuring that crucial services are maintained.  But based on the responses I saw to his post, not many of his parishioners agreed with him. 

No where in the gospels does Jesus encourage accumulating possession or worrying about money, and he regularly calls people to give away what they have.  Yet we in this "Christian nation" pursue money and things like no nation on earth.  Our entire economy is based on people becoming "consumers," on them buying more and more.

I'm not suggesting any particular solutions or policies.  I'm not at all certain how one would implement an economy that was at all in keeping with Scripture without causing huge economic upheaval.  But it does seem to me that we who are Christians should, at the very least, examine the ways in which our basic economic assumptions run counter to the basic witness of Scripture.

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