Thursday, November 3, 2011

Spiritual Hiccups - ADHD Christians and the Disciplines of Disciples

One of my personal tendencies is a fascination with the new and novel.  Although I was a teenager in the 1970s, I almost never listen to "classic rock" on the radio, preferring newer offerings.  That is rather trivial, but there is a more serious side to this.  I sometimes enjoy coming up with new ideas more than I like implementing them, doing the repetitive, disciplined work of putting a new idea into practice.

In this sense I am not so different from our culture in general.  We often latch onto the new idea that is going to fix things, but tire of it quickly.  If the new coach doesn't turn the team around immediately or the new elected official doesn't make things better in short order, we're ready to move on to new options.

The following verses are from today's reading in Revelation.  "Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and hold fast to the faith of Jesus.  And I heard a voice from heaven saying, 'Write this: Blessed are the dead who from now on die in the Lord.' 'Yes,' says the Spirit, 'they will rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them.'"  

Revelation is often thought of as a book of coded predictions that need to be deciphered, but in reality it is a call for hope and perseverance in difficult times.  In admittedly difficult language, Revelation encouraged Christians who were struggling with rejection and persecution to hold fast to the faith, to persevere even when it earned them ridicule from their neighbors, made it difficult to participate fully in society, and could lead to arrest and possible death.

Most of our struggles as Christians are of a far different nature, but the idea that faithfulness requires perseverance and endurance could probably use some reclaiming.  Our relationship with God in Christ comes about through the gift of God's grace, but this grace invites us into a new life, one marked by disciplines, sometimes difficult ones.  We are called to follow Jesus, to take up the cross, to be willing to sacrifice self for the sake of the Kingdom, to value God's will over our own hopes, dreams, and plans.

The Christian life is a long haul exercise, more marathon than sprint.  It is the practice of certain disciplines, a lifelong work of becoming more and more the people God calls us to be.  It will have many moments of discovery and newness, but they will most often be found in faithfully persevering in those disciplines of prayer, worship, service, and self-giving. 

One of the realities of the culture we live in is that people are much less interested in church than they once were.  The reasons for this are many and varied.  Some of them are rooted in a culture that does not take a very long view of things, that has a very short attention span.  But some disinterest in church is because it doesn't seem a serious and significant enough thing to be interested in.  We have made it too easy, stripped it of Jesus' call to practice the disciplines - some of them difficult - that form us into his disciples. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Spiritual Hiccups - Proper Packaging

We humans seem to have a need to categorize and label things, and this tendency has it usefulness.  If a certain food disagrees with us, it makes sense for us label such foods "bad" for us.  And in a world with a dizzying array of choices, we have to have some ways of narrowing the field. 

Of course our judgments about such things are hardly fool proof.  As the Dr. Seuss classic, Green Eggs and Ham points out, we sometimes categorize things incorrectly.

In our highly polarized culture, this categorizing tendency can cause real problems.  For example, Republicans can assume than anything a Democrat says is wrong, and Democrats can assume the same about Republicans.  Progressive Christians can dismiss anything coming out of more fundamentalist, evangelical circles, and those evangelicals can feel certain that any progressive is off base and ungodly.

And so we can be fooled by packaging.  Truth coming to us from places labeled "bad" is missed, and falsehood coming to us from places labeled "good" gets embraced.  The very power and presence of God can saunter right into our midst and be rejected because it lacks the proper packaging.

It happens to Jesus.  He visits his hometown and wows the folks there.  They are astounded at his wisdom and power, but then they look at the packaging.  They know his family, his parents and siblings.  He cannot be an important religious figure, "And they took offense at him."  The phrase "took offense" is the single Greek word skandalidzo, the root of our words scandalize and scandalous.  Jesus' packaging causes a scandal, and so they cannot see his power, wisdom and truth.  They cannot see God because the package is "wrong."

If you are anything like me, you probably have those moments when you wish God was more vividly present to you, even moments when God seems totally absent and unavailable to you.  But I wonder how often God is right there in front of me and I miss it because of the packaging.  I wonder if God becomes incarnate - takes on flesh and draws near to me in someone - and I cannot see it because I "know" that God doesn't look or act like that.

Open my eyes, God, to your presence wherever and in whomever it may be.

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Spiritual Hiccups - Church: A Wild and Crazy Place?

Looking at today's gospel with its varied images of the Kingdom - a treasure that prompts someone to sell all he has to acquire it, a pearl of such value that nothing else matters to a pearl merchant, and a net that scoops up fish of every kind, both good and bad - I wondered about such images and the Church I have grown up in and now serve.  My tradition says that one of the core purposes of the Church is "the exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the world."  Are we exhibiting the Kingdom Jesus speaks of in this parable?

The first two Kingdom images suggest something that totally reorders lives.  The wonder, beauty, and unsurpassed value of this Kingdom moves everything else down on the priority list.  Everything gets reorganized around the pursuit of this Kingdom.  This speaks of a kind of passion and energy that I typically see in two places: when someone falls totally and completely in love, and when someone gets completely given over to some cause. 

The net images seems totally different.  This seems to describe a large, diverse, even motley gathering that is not very selective, leaving the sorting out process for later. 

I realized this is just one short set of verses, but based on these, a Church that exhibited to the Kingdom to the world might be a place of extremely vibrant and strong passions, as well as teeming with variety and even a bit of confusion.  It would be, to borrow a phrase, a wild and crazy place.

But in my experience, "wild and crazy" seems one of the least likely phrases that anyone would apply to the Church.  In our defense, we Presbyterians also learned another phrase, "decently and in order" from the Bible.  But I sometimes wonder if we didn't take it a bit too much to heart.  Maybe we could stand to balance it with a little more "wild and crazy."

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Monday, October 31, 2011

Sermon video - Becoming Saints

Spiritual Hiccups - What Sort of God?

For you are not a God who delights in wickedness;
    evil will not sojourn with you.
The boastful will not stand before your eyes;
    you hate all evildoers. 
You destroy those who speak lies;
    the LORD abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful.
from Psalm 5

Most of us have some sort of God image, a mental picture or conceptual framework that is our notion of what God is like.  I suspect there is no figuring out the ultimate source of such God images.  Many Protestants will point to the Bible, and that will certainly be true to some extent, but that is not the whole story.  All of us who read the Bible read it selectively to some degree.  And our God image usually guides us in this selection process.

Our God image often emerges from what one of my favorite spiritual writers, Fr. Richard Rohr, calls "dualistic thinking."  We tend to see the world as a series of either or choices, and our God images tend to reflect such choices.  Some people gravitate more toward a God of judgment who punishes the guilty. Others embrace a God of love who will redeem and embrace the guilty.  Much rarer is the person whose God image somehow holds both as true. 

And so most of us struggle with those parts of Scripture that challenge our God image.  We tend to diminish them and elevate those that confirm our image.  Those of us who cherish a God of love squirm a bit when reading today's Psalm or gospel passage where Jesus speaks of evildoers "thrown in the furnace of fire." 

But despite my own dualistic tendencies, I am convinced that a true God image requires dropping the either/or choices that help produce my God image.  A true God image requires answering the question of whether God is a God of love and forgiveness or a God of judgment with a "Yes."  To borrow a Walter Brueggemann quote I used recently in a sermon, "This tension of mercy that forgives and sovereignty that will not be mocked is an endless adjudication for the God of the Bible, who permits no final or systematic resolve.  It is a tension that we all know in our most intimate and treasured relations."  

What sort of God is your God image?   And in what way does your image reduce God to something easier to understand and incorporate into dualistic modes of thought?  Or, as a classical Calvinist might put it, what sort of idol have you created with your God image?

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sermon audio - Becoming Saints

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Sermon text - Becoming Saints - Stewardship III

Matthew 5:1-12
Becoming Saints - Stewardship III
James Sledge                                                               October 30, 2011 – All Saints

Every culture has its wisdom literature, its wise sayings and proverbs.  Our culture is no exception.  American proverbs go back to colonial times.  “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise,” said Benjamin Franklin.  He also supposedly said, “The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.”  A lot of American proverbial wisdom encourages behaviors thought to lead to success, well-being, or happiness.  Thomas Edison’s quote, “Genius is ten percent inspiration and ninety percent perspiration” is a case in point.
Such proverbial wisdom is generally meant to be self-evident.  By that I mean that once you hear it, even if it’s not something that had occurred to you before, its truth will strike you.  You will agree that while some people are smarter and more creative than others, hard work makes a great deal of difference.  Either that or you will reject it as wisdom entirely.
People have sometimes approached the Sermon on the Mount, and especially its Beatitudes, as though they were something similar, pearls of wisdom meant to guide us on the path of success or well-being.  Robert Schuller, of Crystal Cathedral fame, wrote a book back in the 1980s entitled, The Be (Happy) Attitudes: 8 Positive Attitudes That Can Transform Your Life.  In it he says, “As we look upon the Beatitudes – The Be-Happy Attitudes – of Jesus Christ, you will discover our Lord’s key to joyful living.”[1]
Schuller sees each of the Beatitudes as a proverb, a wise saying that, if followed, will lead to happiness.  Now while it is true that the word translated “blessed” in our scripture this morning sometimes means “happy,” it is quite a stretch to speak of happiness being found in mourning, in poverty of spirit, or in being persecuted or derided.  And in fact, Schuller has to get very creative in explaining what each blessing means.  For example, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” becomes “I’m really hurting—but I’m going to bounce back!”  And “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake” becomes, “I can choose to be happy—anyway!”[2]
But I think that Schuller makes a bigger mistake than just playing fast and loose with the words of Jesus.  He clearly does not realize that the blessings Jesus speaks are not advice, not proverbs. 
Rather they are categorical statements about how things are, descriptions of reality, although it is a reality not evident to a worldly observer.  It is instead the shape of the new world that God is creating, of the Kingdom that Jesus says has “come near.” 
This reality is not self-evident, and it says more about the character of God than about us.  This reality is dependent on the trustworthiness of the one who speaks it.  Jesus is describing something new, something at odds with the world as we experience it.  No one listens to Jesus and nods in agreement saying, “O yes, yes, it is quite good and enjoyable to be persecuted or to weep and mourn.”  Rather, Jesus’ words create something new, a new reality that we are invited to become a part of.
As a pastor, I do my share of weddings.  People who have no connection to this church, or to any church for that matter, come here wanting to be married.  They come because an authority has been vested in me.  When I speak the words, “Therefore, I proclaim that you are now husband and wife,” they in fact are.  If the couple walked up to someone on the street and asked, “Will you marry us?”  That person could go along and say the exact same words that I do.  Jesus’ words change something.  They would not be married.
Jesus is doing something similar with the Beatitudes.  He has the authority to say to us, “You have lived in a world that presumes blessedness, God’s favor, happiness, is to be found in riches, in doing what is necessary to get ahead, in being successful and well regarded, in standing up for yourself and triumphing over others.  But I tell you that this is not so, at least not in God’s new creation.”
The blessedness Jesus speaks into being is a future blessedness, the blessedness of the kingdom that will come.  It is not advice to make our lives better.  But, for those who are in Christ, it is a reality that can already be seen and felt.  It is a promise of future blessing to us and a reality that is embodied, that becomes visible, when we are the Church, the living body of Christ in the world.
It is a couple of days early, but we are marking All Saints today.  On the same day when we pledge ourselves to live as Jesus’ disciples, pledge to give generously from our resources of time, talents, gifts, and finances, we remember those saints among us who have died in the past year.  It seems to me entirely appropriate to combine these, to remember saints as we pledge to live as saints ourselves.
It’s too bad that the word “saint” has been robbed of its biblical meaning.  Now we tend to use the word either as a disparaging term for some goody two-shoes, or as a technical term for those declared saints by the Catholic Church: St. Paul, St. Francis, and so on.  But when Saint Paul writes to the congregations he shepherds, he uses the word very differently.  “To all God’s beloved in Rome, who are called to be saints…” or, “To the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi…” 
The term really means “sanctified ones,” or “set-apart ones.”  The idea is that when we are joined to Christ in baptism, when the Holy Spirit dwells within us, we become something different; we become something sanctified, holy.  We are joined to Christ and to his holiness.  And we become a part of the living body of Christ, each of us gifted in some way so that together we can show God’s love, and God’s coming new day, to the world.
I occasionally listen to NPR as I drive.  Recently a local station was having one of its regular fundraisers.  The announcer stated the $5000 goal for the next 3 hours and how some company promised to match it if they got to $5000.  I understand why these fundraisers are needed.  I might even send them some money, but I find the constant campaigns annoying.
I suspect that some people find church stewardship campaigns similarly annoying, even if they do decide that they should give a little money.  But if church giving feels like an NPR fundraiser, we are doing something terribly wrong.  Stewardship is not about making sure the church has enough money to pay the bills and keep the lights turned on, as real as such needs may be.  Stewardship is about our call to be saints, to live as those sanctified and set apart so that the world can catch a glimpse of a new reality in us, that reality Jesus speaks into being as he declares God’s favor and blessing on ways that are out of step with our world.
As the body of Christ, as saints, let us live in this new reality that Jesus proclaims.

[1] Robert B. Schuller, The Be (Happy) Attitudes (New York: Bantam Books, 1987) , 20.
[2] Ibid., Table of Contents.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Spiritual Hiccups - Are You There, God?

I love the LORD, because he has heard
    my voice and my supplications.
Because he inclined his ear to me,
    therefore I will call on him as long as I live.  

from Psalm 116

If you are a person of faith, I assume that you have had moments where God's presence was very real to you, when it seemed that God's ear was inclined to you.  But I also assume that there surely are or have been times when it does not seem so, that God seems absent or uninterested in you.  And when such moments drag on, they can make for a profound faith crisis.

When people have a personal encounter with God, when they touch divine mystery in some way, it is an experience that produces a desire for more and deeper experiences of God.  In this it is not unlike meeting someone with whom we feel an intimate connection.  We want to spend time with them, to explore and go deeper in that relationship.  We experience a longing for this person.  And in a similar way, people who have felt God's presence often experience a longing for God.

Of course relationships can go awry.  If those difficulties in connecting last very long, they can intensify the longing for the other, but they can also begin to produce a widening gulf between two people.  And when that happens, very often the disciplines and rituals of the relationship began to break down.  At the moment the relationship most needs help and support, couples can abandon the simple, sometimes mundane regimens of togetherness that allow for a closeness where more intimate connection is possible.

In similar fashion, I sometimes find that when I am struggling to connect with God, I can begin to abandon the simple rituals of togetherness that help maintain a closeness where deeper connection is possible.  At the times I most need to draw near to God, I sometimes quit spiritual disciplines of prayer, silence, contemplation, and Sabbath.  At such times I must look a little like a husband hanging out late at the bar, night after night, complaining to those around him that his wife - who will be asleep by the time he gets home - won't talk to him.

Are you there, God?  My heart longs for you.  I am here, waiting and listening for you.  Draw near to me.  I am here.  I will be here.  Be here with me.

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Spiritual Hiccups - Worthy Is the Lamb: The Triumph of Love

I don't really recall ever delving into the book of Revelation during my church life prior to seminary.  Still, I somehow "learned" that Revelation was an exotic book about the end of the world.  I do remember an adult study on Revelation where my family worshiped, but I was still a teen at the time.  For me, Revelation was simply about weird images and Armageddon and not worth much attention.

But now it troubles me deeply that Revelation has been so ignored because in so doing, we have effectively ceded the book to those who irresponsibly misuse it.  Everyone "knows" that Revelation is about God destroying the world in some final, cataclysmic battle, even though no such battle is depicted in the book.  Nor is any rapture to be found there.  Revelation is a difficult book, but it is a book meant to give hope.

I have actually heard people say that the kind and forgiving Jesus of the gospels will be replaced by a warrior Jesus at his return, and they claim Revelation as their proof.  But just look at today's reading from the book.  We are well into John's vision, and he has become distraught that no one is worthy to open the scroll.  But he is told, “Do not weep. See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals.”

The lion of Judah who has conquered - surely this suggests just the sort of warrior Jesus some Rapture folks anticipate.  But when this lion appears we read, "Then I saw between the throne and the four living creatures and among the elders a Lamb standing as if it had been slaughtered."  If we had hoped for Jesus the lamb to be transformed into marauding lion, we are disappointed.  For instead, the lion has been transformed into slaughtered lamb.  And here is a recurring theme from Revelation, the idea that "conquer" means to patiently endure, even to die for the faith, just that the lamb has done and so conquered.

Some may say that this is all well and good but not terribly significant.  What difference does it make how one obscure book in the New Testament is understood.  But because Revelation is popularly understood (incorrectly, I would add) as describing the end of the world and how God brings that about, its picture of God can become the dominant one.  Yes, Jesus came all meek and mild, forgiving folks right and left, but you've had your chance.  That was only a temporary reprieve.  Forgiveness is over.  Time to settle scores.

But when we realize that the fierce lion we thought was in Revelation turns out to be a lamb who conquers through being slain, then a God of love and forgiveness can no longer be a temporary reprieve.  The God of love Jesus reveals in the gospels is the same God found in Revelation, a work of hope that insists, no matter how bad things may appear, the Lamb and Love will triumph.

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Spiritual Hiccups - Thorns and Other Distractions

Those who study religious trends say that some of the dissatisfaction with traditional churches has to do with issues of authenticity and integrity.  Many people long for a faith community where these are paramount, but they don't sense them in traditional, mainline congregations.

Perhaps this was on my mind when I read today's gospel where Jesus tells the parable of the sower.  Seed is scattered with varying results because it ends up on the path, in rocky soil, among thorns, or in good soil.  As I read, I was drawn to the picture of the seed springing up but then choked by thorns.  (Jesus will later explain to his disciples that the thorns are "the cares of the world and the lure of wealth.) 

As a pastor who to some extent functions as CEO of a religious organization, I have my share of cares and concerns, and many of them have to do with money. And I wonder how often these tend to choke out the word.  I may preach diligently about loving neighbor and helping the poor, about love and gratitude leading us to give ourselves extravagantly to God, but my own life may not show much evidence of this.  Other things have my attention.  I am no model of authenticity and integrity.

We live in an era of multitasking with a myriad of distractions.  Our culture is of little help if we would become the saints all Christians are called to be -- certainly not if we use Kierkegaard's definition of a saint, "Someone who can will the one thing." 

I wonder if traditional church looks to many as just one more thing to add to a life already filled with many other things.  And I wonder what distractions I need to let go of if faith is to be not just one more thing but the one thing.

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Sermon video - The Passion That Gives Life - Stewardship II

Spiritual Hiccups - The Tie That Binds

I vaguely recall a debate in a seminary class that had something to do with parental rights and the welfare of a child.  I've forgotten the particulars, but what I remember vividly is the very different stances of classmates.  Some saw parental rights as almost sacrosanct, something that could not be violated without overwhelming cause.  Others saw the needs of the child in a similar light with those needs easily trumping any notion of parental rights.

What are the bonds that matter most?  When I was a boy, every time new members joined out church they would be recognized, and then the pastor would call us to sing a verse of "Blest Be the Tie That Binds."  The words were never printed.  People were just supposed to know it.  Though it does not say so explicitly, I imagine that this "tie that binds" speaks of our being one in Christ.

Jesus raises this issue of the bonds between us directly in today's gospel.  Jesus' family wants to speak with him but cannot seem to make their way through the crowds into the house where Jesus is.  But when Jesus is told that his mother and brothers are outside, wanting to talk to him, he replies, " 'Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?' And pointing to his disciples, he said, 'Here are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.' "  So much for family privilege.

All of us have bonds that shape us.  I'm a Southerner from Charlotte, North Carolina, and I have certain loyalties associated with that.  I'm a Presbyterian.  I'm a male.  I'm a UNC Tarheel.  I'm an American.  I'm a Christian.  I'm a transplanted Ohioan, and so on.  But which bonds and loyalties take precedence?

I wonder what Jesus' mother and siblings thought when he left them outside and said that his disciples were his family, that others who followed him also became his family.  Surely I would have been hurt and offended if I had been Jesus' younger brother.

I have occasionally heard people say, "We shouldn't be sending aid overseas when there are people in need right here in the US."  I don't know if they mean it the way I hear it, but it sounds like the needs of Americans count more than the needs of others.  But before I criticize that, I have to acknowledge that I act this way regarding the needs of my own family.  

So... what does it mean to be a Christian, to have been baptized and joined to Christ, made part of his family?  What are the real ties that bind for me?  And for you?

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