Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Renewal of Baptism

During Sunday's worship, following the sermon by Vice-Moderator Landon Whitsitt, we renewed our baptisms.  Thought some might want to see it.

The choir sang as people came to the font with the congregation joining in a refrain which goes:
   Oh, sisters (brothers), let's go down.  Let's go down, come on down.
   Oh, sisters (brothers), lets go down, down to the river to pray.
   Oh, down to the river to pray.


  1. Is this common in Presbyterian churches? We just did that in my church last Sunday for Baptism of the Lord, and I did it straight from the UMC Book of Worship, but I didn't know if many other communities practiced it regularly.

  2. Don't know that it is very common, but we too have a BCW order for Reaffirmation of the Baptismal Covenant.
