The time is surely coming, says the Lord GOD, when I will send a famine on the land; not a famine of bread, or a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD. They shall wander from sea to sea, and from north to east; they shall run to and fro, seeking the word of the LORD, but they shall not find it.
These words from the prophet Amos are a dire warning to Israel, but as is so often the case with the prophetic judgment, the sins calling for such punishment are not the sort of things we tend to label "religious." God is angry because of how the poor and needy are treated. It is those with economic power who are in Amos' sights, those who cheat the poor by using false scales who sell the "sweepings of the wheat" as though it was usable grain.
When I was college age, I worked for a very small construction company that mostly did repairs. One of our customers was a small convenience/grocery store located right next to a low income housing project. It was not part of any chain or franchise but an independent business owned by a man who lived in the most elite part of town. While we were repairing the outside of this building I naturally went inside buy a drink or a snack. I also went into the back of the store to plug in our power tools. And I was horrified by what I saw in both places.
The prices in the store were unbelievably high. But because this was the only store within walking distance of the housing project, residents without cars had no where else to shop. And in the back of the store, I saw the butcher cutting off the spoiled and molded parts of meat and then putting it back in the display case. Surely Amos was talking about people just such as the owner of this store.
This owner was a member at the largest Presbyterian Church in town. I don't know, but I imagine that he pledged and that he brought canned goods to the church's Christmas food drive for the needy.
It was easy for me to look with disgust on this store owner, who so obviously profited from the plight of the poor. But it is also easy for me to take part in the explosion of charity that accompanies Advent and Christmas, and then to go right back to my lifestyle that is made possible by migrant workers who pick my food and poorly paid factory workers who sew my clothes.
We will soon celebrate the birth of a Savior who, in his own words, comes "to bring good news to the poor." And while I know that the boxes of food and gifts our congregation will take to hundreds of needy families are greatly appreciated, I'm pretty sure the good news Jesus is talking about is something bigger and more fundamental than this.
Lord, help us become agents of the Kingdom the child of Bethlehem brings.
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Sermons and thoughts on faith on Scripture from my time at Old Presbyterian Meeting House and Falls Church Presbyterian Church, plus sermons and postings from "Pastor James," my blog while pastor at Boulevard Presbyterian in Columbus, OH.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Sunday Sermon - "Wilderness"
A sermon from Luke 3:1-6. Our culture is well past Thanksgiving and fully immersed into Christmas. But on the Second Sunday in Advent, John the Baptist shows up, and he's got nothing Christmassy to say. Everything about John is surprising. He, and not the long list of important political and religious figures that open this gospel reading, is the one to whom the word of God comes. And if you want to hear this word, you have to leave town and temple, church and shopping mall, and go out into the wilderness where John is.
Musings on the Daily Lectionary
What is the greatest commandment? That is the question asked of Jesus in today's gospel verses. The answer is quite famous, though it is not original to Jesus. It is straight out of the Old Testament. "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."
As we work our way through Advent, drawing ever closer to Christmas, it is worth remembering that Jesus' coming is the beginning of something and not the end. Jesus' coming calls us to new life that is a fulfillment of "the law and the prophets." If God loves us so much that God came to earth in Christ, then it stands to reason that our lives are meaningful to God. One side of that coin is the joy of knowing God's love. But the other side of that coin is the responsibility to live meaningful lives in return, to love God back and to love all those others whom God loves so much. It's interesting to contemplate. If God considers my life worth "saving," then surely God expects my life to mean something.
O God, continue to show me the meaning and the purpose of my life.
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As we work our way through Advent, drawing ever closer to Christmas, it is worth remembering that Jesus' coming is the beginning of something and not the end. Jesus' coming calls us to new life that is a fulfillment of "the law and the prophets." If God loves us so much that God came to earth in Christ, then it stands to reason that our lives are meaningful to God. One side of that coin is the joy of knowing God's love. But the other side of that coin is the responsibility to live meaningful lives in return, to love God back and to love all those others whom God loves so much. It's interesting to contemplate. If God considers my life worth "saving," then surely God expects my life to mean something.
O God, continue to show me the meaning and the purpose of my life.
Click here to learn more about the Daily Lectionary.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Musings on the Daily Lectionary
In today's gospel reading, the Sadducees try to trick Jesus with a question about marriage and resurrection. In the Judaism of Jesus' day, not everyone believed that the dead would one day be raised. This included the Sadducees, who ask Jesus a question about a woman who was married and widowed seven times to seven brothers. (This "Levirate marriage" was an institution designed to protect a man's name and lineage as well as to keep women from becoming destitute in a male dominated culture.) If this woman had been married to all seven brothers, whose wife will she be in the resurrection?
You can almost see the Sadducees snickering as they ask their question, like the old George Carlin comedy routine where he recalls attempts to catch the priests and nuns at his school with questions such as, "If God is all powerful, can he make a rock so big that it's too heavy for him to lift it?" But unlike Carlin's priests, Jesus isn't flustered at all, and his answer speaks of a basic misunderstanding about resurrection. "Jesus answered them, 'You are wrong, because you know neither the scriptures nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.' "
Now I'll be the first to admit that I have no idea what it means to say they "are like angels in heaven." But clearly Jesus understand the resurrection to be something of such an entirely different order that none of our current understandings of life and relationships fit. And I'm not sure that we modern day Christians have a much better understanding of resurrection than did those Sadducees. The Church has somehow let resurrection morph into "going to heaven when I die." But for Jesus and the writers of the New Testament, resurrection was a total transformation of human existance that happens when God brings "the Kingdom."
It has been more than 50 years since J. B. Phillips wrote the book, Your God Is Too Small. But its reminder that our images of God, and of what God is up to, often do more to constrain faith than illuminate it are as timely as ever.
O God, save us from our own constricted imaginations.
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You can almost see the Sadducees snickering as they ask their question, like the old George Carlin comedy routine where he recalls attempts to catch the priests and nuns at his school with questions such as, "If God is all powerful, can he make a rock so big that it's too heavy for him to lift it?" But unlike Carlin's priests, Jesus isn't flustered at all, and his answer speaks of a basic misunderstanding about resurrection. "Jesus answered them, 'You are wrong, because you know neither the scriptures nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.' "
Now I'll be the first to admit that I have no idea what it means to say they "are like angels in heaven." But clearly Jesus understand the resurrection to be something of such an entirely different order that none of our current understandings of life and relationships fit. And I'm not sure that we modern day Christians have a much better understanding of resurrection than did those Sadducees. The Church has somehow let resurrection morph into "going to heaven when I die." But for Jesus and the writers of the New Testament, resurrection was a total transformation of human existance that happens when God brings "the Kingdom."
It has been more than 50 years since J. B. Phillips wrote the book, Your God Is Too Small. But its reminder that our images of God, and of what God is up to, often do more to constrain faith than illuminate it are as timely as ever.
O God, save us from our own constricted imaginations.
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Sunday, December 6, 2009
Prepare the way.... Wait a minute, I'm not prepared.
Oops, there's no audio of today's sermon. On this day when John calls us to "Prepare the way of the Lord," I forgot to prepare the recording device. But the video is another matter. It will be posted tomorrow.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Musings on the Daily Lectionary
In today's gospel verses, Jesus is in the Temple on the week of his arrest, and he tells the religious authorities another parable. This parable of the wicked tenants again emphasizes the need for the faithful to "bear fruit," to live as servants who do God's work. Jesus skillfully gets the religious authorities to condemn the wicked tenants of a vineyard who did not do their master's bidding before they realize that the parable is about them. But when Jesus says, "Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that produces the fruits of the kingdom," they get it.
In Jesus' day, the Jerusalem Temple was a center of religious activity on a scale that would dwarf almost any modern day church. Unlike many churches, where very little goes on most days of the week, the Temple was abuzz with the faithful every single day. But clearly this is not enough for Jesus.
At this time of year, the church I serve becomes a busier place than usual. There are extra choir rehearsals, attendance goes up, and special services are being planned and rehearsed. But there is also another sort of busyness. Food items are piling up in the Fellowship Hall and donated toys are being wrapped for needy children. In the midst of all the religious pomp that this time of year brings, we remember that Jesus calls us to bear fruit.
Lord, help us to remember this all year long.
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In Jesus' day, the Jerusalem Temple was a center of religious activity on a scale that would dwarf almost any modern day church. Unlike many churches, where very little goes on most days of the week, the Temple was abuzz with the faithful every single day. But clearly this is not enough for Jesus.
At this time of year, the church I serve becomes a busier place than usual. There are extra choir rehearsals, attendance goes up, and special services are being planned and rehearsed. But there is also another sort of busyness. Food items are piling up in the Fellowship Hall and donated toys are being wrapped for needy children. In the midst of all the religious pomp that this time of year brings, we remember that Jesus calls us to bear fruit.
Lord, help us to remember this all year long.
Click here to learn more about the Daily Lectionary.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Musings on the Daily Lectionary
In today's reading from Matthew, Jesus is teaching in the temple just prior to his arrest. Religious authorities confront him, but Jesus does not take their bait. Instead he tells them a story.
"What do you think? A man had two sons; he went to the first and said, 'Son, go and work in the vineyard today.' He answered, 'I will not'; but later he changed his mind and went. The father went to the second and said the same; and he answered, 'I go, sir'; but he did not go. Which of the two did the will of his father?" They said, "The first." Jesus said to them, "Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are going into the kingdom of God ahead of you."
This contrast between words and actions struck me in this Advent season. We've entered into that annual season of people expressing outrage over whether retailers print "Happy Holidays" or "Merry Christmas" on their stores' banners. Every year, people get all worked up over whether or not the word "Christmas" gets applied to a shopping season which has little, if anything, to do with following Jesus.
Words versus actions. As today's reading from Amos makes clear, God is far more concerned about whether the poor and needy are cared for than God is about words or worship services or well crafted religiousness.
Words versus actions. Our culture pays a lot of lip service to God, but how often do we do the will of God?
Click here to learn more about the Daily Lectionary.
"What do you think? A man had two sons; he went to the first and said, 'Son, go and work in the vineyard today.' He answered, 'I will not'; but later he changed his mind and went. The father went to the second and said the same; and he answered, 'I go, sir'; but he did not go. Which of the two did the will of his father?" They said, "The first." Jesus said to them, "Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are going into the kingdom of God ahead of you."
This contrast between words and actions struck me in this Advent season. We've entered into that annual season of people expressing outrage over whether retailers print "Happy Holidays" or "Merry Christmas" on their stores' banners. Every year, people get all worked up over whether or not the word "Christmas" gets applied to a shopping season which has little, if anything, to do with following Jesus.
Words versus actions. As today's reading from Amos makes clear, God is far more concerned about whether the poor and needy are cared for than God is about words or worship services or well crafted religiousness.
Words versus actions. Our culture pays a lot of lip service to God, but how often do we do the will of God?
Click here to learn more about the Daily Lectionary.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Musings on the Daily Lectionary
Do not put your trust in princes, in mortals,
in whom there is no help.
When their breath departs, they return to the earth;
on that very day their plans perish.
Happy are those whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the LORD their God.
So goes a portion of Psalm 146, words that jar me a bit on the day that President Obama will formally announce a troop increase in Afghanistan. Over the centuries, Christians have struggled to define when it is appropriate to resort to military force. Some traditions are pacifist, but my own has tended to embrace military action within the limits of so-call "just war" theology. But though I am theologically comfortable with the notion of a "just war," I struggle with how we are to know when to trust God, and when to take action ourselves.
One of those quotes from the Bible that isn't actually in the Bible goes, "God helps those who help themselves." But still the Bible does present us with a tension between dependence on God alongside personal responsibility. When are we to act, and when should we patiently wait, placing all trust in God? And especially when it comes to killing people and sending our soldiers to be killed, what would God have us do?
Whether or not a country goes to war is as political a decision as one can find. But for people of faith, it is surely as spiritual a decison one can imagine. When does trusting God above all, when does loving God and loving neighbor, call us to kill?
Click here to learn more about the Daily Lectionary.
in whom there is no help.
When their breath departs, they return to the earth;
on that very day their plans perish.
Happy are those whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the LORD their God.
So goes a portion of Psalm 146, words that jar me a bit on the day that President Obama will formally announce a troop increase in Afghanistan. Over the centuries, Christians have struggled to define when it is appropriate to resort to military force. Some traditions are pacifist, but my own has tended to embrace military action within the limits of so-call "just war" theology. But though I am theologically comfortable with the notion of a "just war," I struggle with how we are to know when to trust God, and when to take action ourselves.
One of those quotes from the Bible that isn't actually in the Bible goes, "God helps those who help themselves." But still the Bible does present us with a tension between dependence on God alongside personal responsibility. When are we to act, and when should we patiently wait, placing all trust in God? And especially when it comes to killing people and sending our soldiers to be killed, what would God have us do?
Whether or not a country goes to war is as political a decision as one can find. But for people of faith, it is surely as spiritual a decison one can imagine. When does trusting God above all, when does loving God and loving neighbor, call us to kill?
Click here to learn more about the Daily Lectionary.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Musings on the Daily Lectionary
This is the first Monday in Advent, and the gospel reading for the day tells of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. "What does Palm Sunday have to do with Advent," I thought as I read Matthew's account. This prompted me to consider how Advent has become an extended celebration of Christmas, even in the Church. And I couldn't help seeing parallels with the celebration of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem just days before his arrest and execution.
Any time I tell people that Advent was originally patterned after Lent - intended as a time of repentance to prepare for celebrating the good news that God has not left humanity to fend for ourselves - they look at me like I am crazy. And the surest way I know to upset people in the pews is to sing only Advent hymns and songs prior to Christmas.
The birth of Jesus is wonderful, good news. God has decisively entered into human history in Christ, giving us a sure hope that God continues to bend history to God's will. But truly appreciating the good news and hope of Christ requires recognizing the darkness and brokenness into which Jesus comes. Turning Advent into a month long Christmas celebration is like celebrating Palm Sunday with no thought of the cross Jesus knows awaits him there.
I have no desire to "Bah, humbug" our culture's celebration of Christmas. I love trees, presents, Santa, and the whole bit. But we in the Church should surely realize that good cheer, nostalgia, and a brief upswing in charity won't begin to deal with the brokenness of our world. Only God can do that. At Christmas, we celebrate the fact that in Christ, God has acted. And we draw comfort and hope from the promise that God will bring peace on earth in God's time. But for now, let us spend some of Advent contemplating the ways that we are a part of a broken world that needs saving.
Click here to learn more about the Daily Lectionary.
Any time I tell people that Advent was originally patterned after Lent - intended as a time of repentance to prepare for celebrating the good news that God has not left humanity to fend for ourselves - they look at me like I am crazy. And the surest way I know to upset people in the pews is to sing only Advent hymns and songs prior to Christmas.
The birth of Jesus is wonderful, good news. God has decisively entered into human history in Christ, giving us a sure hope that God continues to bend history to God's will. But truly appreciating the good news and hope of Christ requires recognizing the darkness and brokenness into which Jesus comes. Turning Advent into a month long Christmas celebration is like celebrating Palm Sunday with no thought of the cross Jesus knows awaits him there.
I have no desire to "Bah, humbug" our culture's celebration of Christmas. I love trees, presents, Santa, and the whole bit. But we in the Church should surely realize that good cheer, nostalgia, and a brief upswing in charity won't begin to deal with the brokenness of our world. Only God can do that. At Christmas, we celebrate the fact that in Christ, God has acted. And we draw comfort and hope from the promise that God will bring peace on earth in God's time. But for now, let us spend some of Advent contemplating the ways that we are a part of a broken world that needs saving.
Click here to learn more about the Daily Lectionary.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving to All
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sunday Sermon - "Is That True?"
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