Monday, September 25, 2023

Absurd Community

 Matthew 18:21-35
Absurd Community
James Sledge                                                                            September 17, 2023


When I served a church in Columbus, OH, I was the chair of our presbytery’s Committee on Ministry or COM. The COM oversees the relationship between pastors and churches. This includes everything from searching for a new pastor to approving the call of a new pastor to dealing with conflict that sometimes arises between churches and their pastor.

As a part of my duties as chair, I was one of several people notified when the presbytery received an allegation about an inappropriate relationship between a pastor and a church member. Making matters worse, this adult member was someone with a significant developmental disability with limited capacity to enter into a consensual relationship. The mother still provided a significant level of care to this individual, and she was the one who had brought the allegation.

As things began to go forward, good communication with this individual proved difficult. Meanwhile the pastor was adamant that nothing inappropriate had occurred, but there was enough to warrant appointing an investigative committee. Per presbytery protocols, a lawyer was provided for the pastor in question at the denomination’s expense. At this point there was no involvement from police or the courts, and the investigation was strictly to see if there was grounds to remove this pastor, revoke his ordination, and so on.

The investigation went on for some time with the pastor regularly insisting on his innocence and expressing anger toward the presbytery for the way his good name was being damaged. In the meantime, COM had greatly overrun its budget for legal help.

Then, at the last possible moment, the pastor suddenly changed his tune and confessed. At this point I was not directly involved in process, so I don’t know details, but suffice to say there was a great deal of anger toward this pastor over how he had wasted so much energy, time, and money, not to mention the behavior that spurred the investigation. I shared in this anger and frustration, and I was glad this individual would no longer be allowed to pastor any church in our denomination.

This case popped into my mind as I read today’s passage from Matthew. When Peter asks Jesus how many times he should forgive a church member, suggesting seven times, Jesus responds, “Not seven times, but, I tell you, seventy-seven times.” I should add that it’s also possible to translate Jesus’ response as seventy times seven. Either way it’s a whole lot.

So how does this apply to that pastor in Columbus? His sins were particularly bad ones and they were many. In addition to the abuse itself, he had lied over and over and cost the presbytery lots of money. But I don’t know that if you added them all up you’d get to seventy-seven and certainly not to seventy times seven. So we’re simply to forgive him. That seems almost absurd.

Of course Jesus tells a pretty absurd parable to illustrate his big numbers, although the absurdity of it may be lost on us because of a monetary amount that is totally foreign to us. According to some scholars, a talent was worth fifteen year’s wages for the typical worker in Jesus’ day, so let’s update that to our day.

The minimum wage in Virginia is $11.00 an hour which works out to $22,880 per year for someone who is full time. So we could say that a talent was worth $343,200, and the parable Jesus tells says the slave has somehow run up a debt of 10,000 talents or around 3.4 billion dollars. I can’t imagine how anyone could incur that level of debt, but I think the parable is supposed to contain an absurd, impossible level of debt. That makes the slave’s plea, “Have patience with me, and I will pay you everything,” beyond absurd. He would need to live 150,000 years to make that much. Yet the master forgives the debt.

But the parable is not done with absurdities. The one who has been forgiven a 3.4-billion-dollar debt then encounters a fellow slave who owes him 100 denarii, or around $6000. But even thought he has been forgiven an impossibly large debt, he won’t show the least bit of leniency to his fellow slave who would likely be able to repay him in time.

The parable seems to put the hearer in the position of the first slave. It reminds us that we have received love and grace and forgiveness in absurd, extravagant amounts, and so we are expected be extravagant in our own forgiveness of others. The Lord’s Prayer says as much. “Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” Or perhaps better translated, “Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.”

But at this point I need to say that there is something missing from this sermon. It is missing from our scripture reading as well, and that is context. When Peter asks his question about how many times to forgive, he is responding to Jesus’ teachings on correcting members of the church.

Jesus has just explained that when a member sins against you, you are to go to that person privately and point out what they’ve done. If that doesn’t work, you are to take two or three other members with you to talk to the person. If that fails, you should bring the matter before the entire church, and if that doesn’t work, the church is to shun the person, presumably in the hope that the person will eventually repent and ask for forgiveness. Peter is responding to this teaching when he asks about how often to forgive.

Jesus’ words on absurd levels of forgiveness are connected to an expectation of accountability and repentance. When someone has been admonished and then asked for forgiveness, they are to receive it repeatedly. This is not blanket forgiveness that is simply offered no matter what. Instead Jesus is describing a community of believers where there is real accountability and correction, but endless grace as well.

I’m not sure we in the church do a very good job of this. Faith has become so privatized in the modern US that any notion of correction and accountability is largely absent. Even so, one of the responsibilities of the Session outlined in the Presbyterian Book of Order is “reviewing the roll of active members at least annually and counseling with those who have neglected the responsibilities of membership.”[1] (I imagine some elders are getting a little nervous.)

It was once common for churches to speak of themselves as a family. That metaphor has its liabilities, but to some degree, what Jesus describes looks like family when it functions as it should. Love and grace are always there. A child is never beyond the love of family. But there are expectations that a child behave in certain ways and consequences when they don’t. What if church looked more like that?

I wonder what it might take, and what it might look like, to become the sort of community Jesus envisions the church to be. What would it mean to be a congregation where all were welcome, where being a part of the community had nothing to do with being good enough or accomplished enough, but at the very same time there were clear expectations that everyone would engage in work and study and ministry that deepened their faith, that helped them become more committed disciples, and helped give the world a glimpse of the new day Jesus envisioned when he spoke of the Kingdom? And there was correction, even loving discipline, when people failed to do so.

Perhaps that seems an absurd fantasy, even more difficult than forgiving from the heart over and over and over, seventy times seven. But then again, the scriptures insist that the Holy Spirit can empower the church to do miraculous, even absurd, impossible things.

Come, Holy Spirit, come.

[1] Book of Order, G-3.201c

Putting on Jesus

 Romans 13:8-14
Putting on Jesus
James Sledge                                                                            September 10, 2023


If you watch television at all, you likely have encountered advertisements for the supplement Prevagen. The ads typically feature someone talking about how they noticed they weren’t as sharp as they once were, but after they began taking Prevagen, they saw a marked improvement in their memory and mental acuity.

The ads also tout that such results are clinically proven. What they don’t tell you is that this clinical study was just 10 individuals, that the study was done by the company that owns Prevagen. They’ve also been sued by the FTC over the claims and agreed to put in a small disclaimer.

Numerous scientific and medical authorities have stated categorically that there is no way for Prevagen to work as it’s advertised. Apparently the active ingredient has to make it into the brain intact to have any effect, but this ingredient is easily digested and broken down by the body and so never reaches the brain.

I’ve noticed in some of the more recent commercials that they’ve added the phrase, “available without a prescription.” This clearly implies some sort of significant medical value to the product, despite the fact that this disclaimer is on the package. “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”

The advertising for Prevagen borders on deceptive, and no doubt the company has an army of lawyers who research just how far the company can go without actually breaking the law.

I have little doubt that some of these lawyers, and certainly some of the people who work for the company, are church goers who think of themselves as good and faithful people. If anyone were to challenge them on that they would surely say they weren’t doing anything illegal, and besides, faith is a private thing between them and God.

Donald Trump used this last defense when Pope Francis publicly stated that some of Trump’s inklings were not Christian. Said Trump, “For a religious leader to question a person’s faith is disgraceful. I am proud to be a Christian. No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another man’s religion or faith,”[1]

I have a feeling that both the Apostle Paul, as well as Jesus, would disagree with that statement. In our gospel reading today Jesus speaks of the church correcting members who sin, and Paul is clear that his understanding of the faith calls for people to love one another. He even says that love is the fulfillment of the law because Love does no wrong to a neighbor.

For Paul, to be in Christ transforms one from conforming to the ways of the world, what Paul typically labels “the flesh,” to the way of Jesus. This is above all the way of love. The person who has put on the Lord Jesus Christ, as Paul exhorts his readers to do, will no longer measure their actions by whether or not they can say they are legal. Instead they will only do what does no wrong to a neighbor.

It is most unfortunate that Paul’s words on being saved by grace through faith have been distorted to mean that it only matters what you believe, not what you do. Despite his insistence that we are saved by God’s grace and not our works, Paul nonetheless, in all of his letters, exhorts people to very specific sorts of behavior, just as he does in our reading today.

To be in Christ is to become a new creation who acts out the grace and love received from God. I think Paul would agree with Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount that says, “Thus you will know them by their fruits.”

There has been a quote bouncing around on Facebook of late which I also shared on my page. It’s from Kurt Struckmeyer’s book A Conspiracy of Love, and it says this.

At the heart of Christianity is a powerful ethic. It is what the first followers of Jesus call The Way – a way of living based on love and compassion, reconciliation and forgiveness, inclusion and acceptance, generosity and justice. This ethic is what makes Christianity good. Without it, Christians can become rigid and intolerant, self-righteous and condemning, hate filled and violent, selfish and unjust. In other words, without the ethic of Jesus, Christians can represent the worst humanity has to offer.[2]

That’s a rather stunning statement. Christians can represent the worst humanity has to offer if they are not guided by the way of Jesus. Believing in Jesus does not necessitate following the way of Jesus. Even having a relationship with Jesus does not necessarily mean walking in the way of Jesus, and I think Paul is speaking of the way of Jesus when he calls his readers to put on the Lord Jesus Christ.

To be honest, I do not understand why so many people who are adamant in their declarations of Christian faith seem to have missed the part about putting on Christ. To put on Jesus, to wear Jesus like clothing, is to manifest Jesus with one’s life. Wearing Jesus means that other people will see Jesus when they look at you, and that means they will see love. They will see a pattern of behavior that does no wrong to a neighbor.

I wonder what would happen if those working at the advertising agency creating commercials for Prevagen put on Christ and so asked themselves whether or not what they were doing did any wrong to a neighbor. I wonder the same about all sorts of companies that make their money off a tricking people into signing up for paid membership that they thought was free. I wonder about legal advice that helps a company skirt the law. What would happen if all these people cared and asked, does this injure my neighbor?

It seems to me that there are occupations that would be off limits for those who are in Christ, who put on Christ. But the question of whether something harms my neighbor is bigger than just jobs. Does how I spend or invest my money harm my neighbor? Does how I vote harm my neighbor? Does how I live my life harm my neighbor. Paul says that for the Christian, the answer needs to be, ‘No,” for Love does no wrong to a neighbor.

Of course it’s a pipe dream to think that people who run deceptive businesses, who worry about profits above all else, who care only for themselves, will suddenly start to worry about whether their actions harm their neighbor. And when the Apostle Paul writes to the church in Rome, he has no expectation that the world will suddenly be motivated and guided primarily by love, but he does fully expect that to be the way things are in the church.

In the Presbyterian Book of Order there is a hundred-year-old statement labeled “The Great Ends of the Church.” Ends here refers to the church’s primary reasons for existing. The last in the list of six reads, “the exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the world.”[3] In other words, it is our job as the church to show the world what things look like when we put on the Lord Jesus Christ, when we wear Jesus and so are guided by love of God and neighbor.

But Paul doesn’t expect this to happen just because we are trying hard to please God. Rather Paul expects this to flow naturally from encountering the incredible love, the amazing grace, the unexpected embrace of God in Jesus that would go so far as a cross to reach out to us.

A famous theologian, when asked to sum up his life’s work in a single sentence, supposedly replied with the words of a song he learned as a child. “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.”[4] To know that fully, to realize that God’s love in Christ is there for us with no ifs, ands, or buts, is to be held securely in something that frees us to live differently, to live out the way of Jesus. And oh, how the world needs more people, and especially needs more Christians, whose lives show Christ to the world.

[1] “Pope Francis Questions Donald Trump’s Christianity,”, February 16, 2016

[2] Kurt Struckmeyer, A Conspiracy of Love: Following Jesus in a Postmodern World (p. 202). (Eugene OR: Resource Publications, an Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2016), Kindle Edition, p. 202

[3] Book of Order, F-1.0304

[4] Attributed to Karl Barth, see

Monday, January 9, 2023

Baptism as Beginning (Matthew 3:13-17)

Audios and videos of sermons and worship available on the FCPC website.

Baptism and Beginning

Matthew 3:13-17
Baptism as Beginning
James Sledge                                                                                     January 8, 2023

Liz Valente, Baptism of Jesus, 2021
 Beyond Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, there are not too many events in Jesus’ life that make it into all four gospels. Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist is one of those events, even if the reference to it is rather elliptical in John’s gospel. Jesus’ baptism by John posed something of a difficulty for the early church and for the gospel writers. John’s baptism was one of repentance for sin, so why would Jesus need this? And each gospel has its own way of making sure the reader knows that Jesus is greater than John.

In the reading we heard this morning, John objects to Jesus’ request for baptism. “I need to be baptized by you,” says the Baptist. “Let it be so now; for it is proper for us in this way to fulfill all righteousness,” replies Jesus. To be honest, I’ve never been entirely certain what this means, but it implies that this is God’s will. God’s plans have Jesus connected to the problem of human sinfulness.

It is interesting that John is the one who tries to get in the way of God’s will. He is the one who is sent to prepare the way of the Lord, but when Jesus comes to him, he tries to prevent Jesus from being baptized. It does seem a little strange, the Messiah being baptized with the same baptism as all those people who came out because they heard John’s cry, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”

John, even though he is God’s prophet, thinks he knows how the Messiah should act. Like most everyone, he is a little surprised by the sort of Messiah Jesus turns out to be. Thankfully, he’s willing to listen to Jesus. A lot of people aren’t. When Jesus surprises or disappoints them, they turn away.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Sermon video - Trusting a Crazy Dream (Matthew 1:18-25)

Audios and videos of sermons and worship available on the FCPC website.

Sermon - Trusting a Crazy Dream

Matthew 1:18-25
Trusting a Crazy Dream
James Sledge                                                                                     December 4, 2022

The Courageous Choice,
Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity,
A Sanctified Art LLC,
Last Sunday we heard a bit of scripture that I’ve not ever heard read in Sunday worship, the genealogy from Matthew’s gospel. Abraham was the father of Isaac, and Isaac the father of Jacob, and Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers, and Judah the father of Perez and Zerah by Tamar…” and on and on like this for forty-some generations. It’s a rather odd genealogy in that in contains women, Gentiles, foreigners, scoundrels, and others we might not expect to be highlighted in the genealogy of a Jewish king.

This genealogy, with prefaces our scripture for this morning, seems to serve several purposes. It establishes Jesus as a descendant of David and so someone who could sit on the throne of David. It also foreshadows the diverse, inclusive new community that Jesus comes to inaugurate. And finally, it marks Jesus as something startlingly new in the story of God’s salvation history, something very different from those who came before him.

Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah took place in this way, opens today’s scripture. And coming immediately on the heels of that long genealogy where someone fathered somebody and he fathered someone else, this way marks a striking change. It is something miraculous and new, a fresh start, a new creation. But this all depends on Joseph, something Matthew highlights by telling us nothing about Jesus’ birth itself, rather telling us about what Joseph did before and after it.

As critical as Joseph is to the story, we know next to nothing about him. He is the main character in this story and one other in Matthew; he is mentioned briefly in Luke’s gospel, and then he simply disappears. He is absent in all the stories of Jesus as an adult, leading many to find credence in the legend that says Joseph was much older than Mary, and he had died long before Jesus began his ministry. There’s even some uncertainty about his profession. Many of us learned that he was a carpenter, and he well may have been, but there seems to be some confusion in the Bible over whether it is Joseph or Jesus who is the carpenter.

Monday, November 28, 2022

An Interesting Family (Matthew 1:1-17)

Videos and audios of sermons and worship at the FCPC website.

Sermon - An Interesting Family

Matthew 1:1-17
An Interesting Family
James Sledge                                                                                     November 27, 2022

Tree of Jesse from Capuchin's Bible, c. 1180

 How would you answer if someone asked who you are? What would you tell them? Perhaps you would say what you do for a living. Very often when people meet someone for the first time they ask, “What do you do?”

I grew up in what was then still out in “the country,” on land that had been a family farm a couple of generations earlier. There were lots of other people whose families had been in that area for generations, and if you met someone who didn’t know you, they didn’t typically ask what you did, they asked who you belonged to, who your family was.

No one ever asks me that any longer. We live in mobile society where people often don’t have deep roots in the area where they live. Who you belong to, who your people are, isn’t likely to be very helpful in telling anyone who you are. We’ll have to settle for, “What do you do?” or “Where did you go to school?” or “Where did you come from?”

In some ways, I miss that old connection to place and people. I have fond memories of sitting at the Sunday dinner table with my parents and paternal grandparents, listening to stories about my grandfather as a second grader picking up his teacher on the way to school in a little horse drawn sulky. I felt connected to something, part of something.

I think that people who didn’t grow up like I did still sometimes lament that lack of connection. The popularity of and DNA tests speaks to a desire to connect with our stories, to discover something of who we are through our heritage.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Joining the Cloud - Running the Race (Hebrews 11:39-12:1)

Audios and videos of sermons and worship available on the FCPC website.

Sermon: Joining the Cloud - Running the Race

Hebrews 11:39-12:2
Joining the Cloud – Running the Race
James Sledge                                                                            November 13, 2022

Cloud of Witnesses
Mike Moyers
In July of 2017, at Panama City Beach in Florida, two children got caught in a rip tide and could not make their way back to shore. Their mother went out to help, and she too was caught in the tide. Several more people attempted to help, only to find themselves trapped.

There were no lifeguards at this beach, and a large crowd gathered at the water’s edge, horrified but not knowing what to do. Someone wondered if they might be able to throw a rope out to them and pull them in, but who brings a rope with them to the beach? Besides, they were so far out.

Then someone got the idea to create their own line to those caught in the rip tide. They could form a human chain to pull the people back in. The crowd on the beach, most of them strangers to one another, began to link arms and move out toward the trapped people who were about a hundred yards from the shore. Eighty people joined together, stretching out to those children and would be rescuers who had been caught in the tide. And one by one they pulled every one of them to safety.

I think something similar is going on in the sermon that is the book of Hebrews. It speaks of a great cloud of witnesses that went before us, and over the recent weeks, you been hearing from church members about their witnesses, the ones who mentored them or guided them in some way in their faith journey. It strikes me that the witnesses who went before us, who founded this church, who introduced us to the faith, who taught us important faith lessons, form a kind of human chain that helps pull us forward on our walks of faith.