Thursday, June 16, 2011

Spiritual Hiccups - Beware of... Pastors?

I follow someone on Twitter who tweets under the name nojunkjustjesus.  This person doesn't seem to have much use for traditional church congregations and denominations.  The tone is a little shrill and over the top.  There is also a lot of over-generalizing about the Church.  But I keep following this person because there is a grain of truth in the tirades against people like me and the denominations and congregations we serve. 

In today's gospel reading, Jesus warns his followers, "Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes, and love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and to have the best seats in the synagogues and places of honor at banquets."  In Jesus' day, "scribes" were teachers and experts in the Law.  They were esteemed religious and community leaders.  And in that sense, they occupied a role not so different from  the traditional one many pastors have filled in their communities. 

Things are rapidly changing in our culture, but many congregations still expect their pastor to have connections to the Chamber of Commerce, participate in one of the local service clubs, and give invocations at civic events.  Given this civic standing of pastors, they were often expected to drive a certain sort of car and to dress in the same attire as other important local business folks.  

Change a few words in the above quote from Jesus, and he might be heard talking about pastors.  That's a bit unnerving, for a pastor.  "Beware of the pastors, who like to walk around in long robes and love to be greeted with respect..."

I suspect that most pastors enter their vocation out of a true sense of calling, seeking to live out their faith.  But the call to follow Jesus and work for the kingdom he proclaims is often in tension with other calls, calls to make a living, to provide for a family, to support a congregation and denomination the pastor loves, and so on.  Add to these a little natural human ambition and ego, and it can be very difficult to separate God's call from other motives. 

Jesus said, "Beware of..."  I wonder what he warn us about if he walked our streets today.

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