Sunday, February 9, 2014

Preaching Thoughts on a (sort of) Non-Preaching Sunday

Today is "Youth Sunday," and in a little while the middle and high school youth in this congregation will lead all the elements of worship. It's a much anticipated service where everything from liturgy to music to sermon are prepared and done by the youth. I'll be sitting in the pews with the rest of the "adults."

But our early, informal service is new, and is not a part of the Youth Sunday tradition, meaning that I still have a sermon of sorts to do there. It is actually a wonderful opportunity to do a more conversational reflection on today's gospel reading, one for which there is no written text.

Today's gospel continues reading from Matthew's "Sermon on the Mount," a reading begun last Sunday. Today's teaching speaks of our need to keep God's law, to be salty salt and light that shines. Salt was essential to life in Jesus' day, absolutely necessary for preserving meat and other foods. Jesus might well have told us that we must be life and light.

It is something that the Church too often forgets, turning its attention inward. There a myriad ways to do so. Faith can become an exercise to get me and others like me into heaven. It can become an obsession with getting beliefs and doctrines worked out to a "T." It can be about a distorted spirituality focused almost entirely on stoking an inner warmth. Any faith tradition, conservative or liberal, Catholic or Protestant, can turn in on itself and forget that Jesus calls disciples and Church to bring God's love into the world, to help bring light and life.

I think that one of the things that is so captivating about the new pope, Francis, is that he seems to be more focused on the light and life part and than on the doctrinal and institutional maintenance part. Only time will tell if these words fully pan out, but it is heartening to see non-Catholics and even people of no faith drawn toward the pope's words. Seems like maybe Jesus was on to something with this light and life thing.

According to Jesus, regardless of our particular theologies, regardless of our particular ways of being church, if we aren't in some way providing light, if we aren't in some way life-giving, then we are about as useless as salt that isn't salty.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi James, Thanks for this one,too. I am clicking around on your blog and fascinated by your "Sermon on the Mount" writings.
